Sunday, January 15, 2012

First post!

Who am I and why this blog? Well, I am 43 years young and 9 months ago, I was 60 pounds overweight and basically unhealthy. I am one of those people who tried every diet under the sun only to eventually gain the weight back (and then some!)

Ten years ago, I had tried a lower carb diet...back then Atkins was the craze and even McDonald had a low carb menu! I also lived in the US so access to these foods was easy. I lost the excess 20 pounds and managed to keep them off for four years. Then a baby, graves disease and a move to Central America also came with the extra 60 pounds.

Nine months ago, I decided to try exercise and a lower carb lifestyle-notice I said *lifestyle* and not *diet*.. Diet to me implies something temporary and I would HATE to have to lose 60 pounds again! Hence this blog as part of my motivation team to help keep off the weight as well as, to help lose those final 8 pounds. I scour the internet looking for lower carb options and recipes-most of them are not quite to my liking-enough to be a suitable long term alternative to their higher carb counterparts so, I end up tweaking them over and over again till I come up with something I like. I also have old, old high carb recipes I also tweak to make them lower carb.

Oh, along the way, I have managed to drag my husband into this and to some extent our 5 year old son because it becomes too complicated to make 2 meals (that and my husband also needed to get healthier!) The purpose of this blog will inevitably evolve..for now, it's showcasing pictures of my creations, giving credit where credit is due to all the folks/businesses producing all the raw ingredients and sharing recipes. Other than that, we'll see where it goes-enjoy and let me know your thoughts!


  1. Hey Chica:

    Check out It's not just about the weight, it's how we prioritize ourselves. The book is a great workbook to get you to change habits as well.

    Love and kisses,


  2. Hey Aissia! I invited you for a reason as I knew you would be great at providing additional resources/tools/ideas I hadn't really considered. Just ordered the book as I need all the help I get..

